Monday, April 20, 2009

Money Money Money

So Oprah says to me yesterday, "hope you're loving your Sunday as much as I am."

My inner dialogue goes something like this: Has Oprah lost all sense of reality? She just told 300,000 people that she hopes they're loving their Sunday as much as she was. According to Forbes, Oprah's net worth is 2.7 billion dollars. She's clearly been too insulated for too long. That's a crazy thing to say from her position.

Those thoughts had barely hung in the air like a puff of Glade® air freshener, when it hit me. If I believe that, then I believe more money will help me love my day more (and my life is made of days).

Now I have no doubt that Oprah's Sunday was quite different than mine. Many things about her day were more convenient. Oprah had far more choices yesterday about how to spend her day. But I bet I loved my Sunday just as much as she did. Coffee and donuts on a rainy morning, read the news, played with the boys, was brought a meal by a friend, learned a lot from stimulating and friendly conversation during my visit to the Islamic Center, took care of my weekly budget responsibilities and had plenty to care for my family, laid in bed with a sick Aaron to help him go to sleep, eventually went to sleep myself in a safe bed with my best friend and a tiny new baby-on-the-way.

Come to think of it, I hope Oprah loved her Sunday as much as I loved mine...

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