Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I've Been Told That You've Been Bold

I got an email today from the Republican National Committee. Strangely enough, less than 100 days from the presidential election, the RNC email does not mention John McCain; 461 words yet not a single mention of McCain. But I’m writing about something it does say.

The email quotes Obama saying: "we can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times . . . and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK" (emphasis was in the email). I read that and immediately thought, "Damn! How could he SAY that?!" I of course verified for myself that Obama had indeed said that. So am I upset? Absolutely. Maybe shocked is more like it. I am shocked that so many people can be so uncaring or unknowledgeable that this accurate and bold statement can be used as a NEGATIVE. And I am shocked that anyone wanting to get elected by Americans would dare tell us truth we don’t like to hear. By the way, Barack’s next line was "That’s not leadership."

It’s not that the world cannot afford to join us in driving their SUVs and eating as much as they want and keeping their homes at 72 degrees. The world cannot afford for us to keep doing those things. We don’t like to hear it, we want to believe in trickle down economics for the rest of the world, we don’t like anything that sounds like we need permission from others. There are many positives happening and improvements in some areas, but it will take serious (and painful) leadership to drag our fat, chilled asses into a place of responsibility in this world. So thanks for the heads up, RNC. I see Obama is taking that lead.


Erick said...

Great post. Interesting that there is no mention of McCain but tha tis for another day.

I remember when he said those comments and they got played on some news programs; most were shocked that he would say this. Others had your exact thought, "damn Barack you can't say that" is a pretty close quote to what Jon Stewart said. Notice how he also refers to him by his first name; nice that you are tight with the future POTUS.

Unknown said...

It is very telling that the "straight talk express" seems so astounded that someone would speak the truth. It is amazing that those words are actually being used against him.
It is not 1993, anymore. We are not a lone superpower. Hell, we may not even be a superpower. Afterall, China owns 1/2 a trillion dollars in US debt. Bush is the first POTUS to attend an olympics on foriegn soil. And he tosses them a softball the day before he lands. Coincidence?