Sunday, December 20, 2009

Hear it Every Christmas Time

I was at a nonprofit business meeting last week, and as we prepared to leave I asked the others about their holiday plans. Holiday, not Christmas. One of the other people there is a practicing Jew. I wasn't concerned about offending her, she would have smiled and answered politely, it just seemed to be the considerate thing for me to do, not to single her out in some way and not to act as if I didn't know or care that she held a faith tradition that was unique in the room. I happened to know someone in that group would not celebrate a traditional Christmas, but for those same reasons (basic kindness and consideration of others) I act similarly if I'm talking with someone, or a group of people, that I don't know their traditions.

So it really baffles me when Focus on the Family wastes resources evaluating whether WalMart and Banana Republic "openly recognize Christmas." The comments posted about the retailers are quite, well, un-christmas. This counterattack on a perceived "War on Christmas" is somewhat of a mini-movement. I could understand the concern if someone was trying to celebrate Christmas and was hushed, or somehow singled out for their Christmas beliefs. No, this is an anger directed at retailers who dare to be "inclusive." In addition to being the opposite of the spirit of Christmas, it gets downright strange when the anger is directed at retailers - because nothing says "Christ" like consumerism? I'll let someone else tackle that one: "Christians get all bent out of shape over the fact that someone didn't say 'Merry Christmas' when I walked into the store. But why are we expecting the store to tell our story? That's just ridiculous." That's from a guy who helped start Advent Conspiracy, a pretty courageous group, if you ask me.

By the way, is it really fair to complain about someone possibly "taking Christ out of Christmas" when a 4th Century Catholic Pope started Christmas by injecting his Christ into someone else's holiday? Maybe Pagans are somewhere organizing boycotts of stores that say Merry Christmas...

Happy Holidays!


Anna Casey said...

Thanks for sharing the Advent Conspiracy link - that's what it's all about.

Carrie said...

This is the first I've heard of the Advent Consipracy link. I found it very compelling. It gives words to the undefined thoughts and concepts swirling in my brain these last few weeks. I love the slogan "Give presence." It gives me a perspective I like as I approach Christmas this week. Of course, I'll be giving "presents" too, but this idea of "presence" focuses me and sets my expectations in a different place about my time with family. I'm also reminded about a spiritual practice I learned for the first time this year about practicing the presence of God. Although, I found it a meaningful interaction with God a few months ago, my circumstances have distracted me from that practice lately. As I read and write this, I'm thinkg "Oh yeah, God is present." I kind of forgot. So, thanks for the link.

JayEnEff said...

One of my friend's Facebook pages read the following. Apparently it was one of those "post this as your status" statements that spreads through the networks.

"They may want to take Christ out of Christmas, but they can never take Christ out of me. If you are proud to be a Christian and are not ashamed of Christ then post this as your status for 1 day as a light to the world. Most people will be to ashamed or scared to do this. "Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven."

Who are the "they" that want to take Christ out of Christmas? I just don't see it happening. What I do see is Christians haranguing society about disbelief, and then crying constitutional foul if someone responds with a "mind-your-own-business."

Regarding the Facebook post – "Most people will be to ashamed or scared to do this." We should be so lucky.