Thursday, October 30, 2008

Before Love Came to Town

Once already this year, claiming to speak for God, James Dobson reared his ugly rhetoric against Barack Obama.

He's at it again. Since his prior invectives didn't have the masses grabbing for stones to slay the anti-christ Obama, Dobson must have thought he needed to up the vile.

In Dobson's latest execration, he predicts in the first term of Obama's presidency, and I'm just picking some "highlights" of this guy's fear mongering:

1. The Supreme Court orders the Boy Scouts "to hire homosexual scoutmasters and allow them to sleep in tents with young boys."
3. "Elementary schools now include compulsory training in varieties of gender identity in Grade 1" and no parent is allowed to opt out.
4. "There are no more Roman Catholic or evangelical Protestant adoption agencies in the United States."
5. "High schools are no longer free to allow 'See You at the Pole' meetings where students pray together, or any student Bible studies even before or after school."
6. Public school teachers are no longer free to lead students in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States.
7. "Television programs at all hours of the day contain explicit portrayals of sexual acts."
8. "It is illegal for private citizens to own guns for self defense in eight states, and the number is growing."
9. "Millions" will be killed in Iraq because the troops were brought home.
10. "Since 2009, terrorist bombs have exploded in two large and two small U.S. cities, killing hundreds, and the entire country is fearful, for no place seems safe."
11. Russia re-takes Eastern Europe.
12. "In mid-2010, Iran launched a nuclear bomb that exploded in the middle of Tel Aviv, destroying much of that city."
13. "Euthanasia is becoming more and more common."

Homosexuals sleeping with young boys, nuclear attacks, euthanasia. You have to be thinking that I made this shit up. I swear, this is what Dobson really said! It would be laughable if this blaspheming hypocrite wasn't on 3,000 radio stations every day, or didn't have many people who believe he speaks for God.

I debated whether to even post Dobson's comments, but because of some emails and conversations I've had lately, I think the reality is that Dobson speaks what a certain segment of our population actually believes. The amount of anger, contempt and pure venom that is being unloaded at Barack Obama is staggering. And for some reason the majority of people I see or hear trafficking in anti-Obama lies and making these kinds of insane predictions are evangelical "christians." I don't recognize anything of Jesus in Dobson's words.

It is my sincere hope that in 2 or 3 years Dobson has the experience and opportunity to apologize for this slander of a Christian man who has devoted his life to public service.


LaurieJo said...


I don't have any more words that are printable.

Erick said...

I read the letter thinking "DVD must have inadvertently left out something that tempered this list of virulent attacks " However, there was nothing there. This is amazing to me.

Of course there will be very little outcry against this ranting. However, just flip everything around and have this come from a certain Reverend and it would be news for days on end.

Based on my perceived view of the negative campaigning (which I will grant you is biased as I have already decided my vote) being so largely from the GOP and its supporters, that one issue is becoming enough to solidify my vote. I'm tired of the same politics of fear and campaigning of negatives.

Unknown said...

These statments are ridiculous! I kept thinking that #11 was going to be "where da white women at?" If you believe that this govt is fragile enough to collapse that far that fast, vote for mccain and see where we are in a year:
1. Supreme Court overturns Roe. Peaceful protests break out across the country. Quickly the only active army unit ever deployed in the homeland is called in to stop the “terrorists”
2. The entitlement of “unemployment” is seen as too expensive (they have 3 wars to pay for now in iraq, afganistan, and iran). Now they 2 brigades in the homeland to quell the terrorists.
3. It is decided that science is really just a bunch of atheists w/ clipboards trying to stir up trouble. Therefore, there is no way to know if global warming actually exists or to know if species are actually going extinct, or to know when the planet can no longer support our level of consumption.
4. McCarthy style proceedings are started in congress. Like in the “good old days” they start in “red Hollywood” and quickly move to the “propagandist media” then to the hill and finally to those individuals who voted for those commies.
5. A constitutional amendment is passed making “Christianity” the official religion of the country. Suddenly, the shocking realization is made that there are hundreds of different kinds of Christians and surely only the Christians that are actually going to heaven should rule this great theocracy. Would those going to heaven please raise your hand, we have a job for you.
6. By 2012 it is getting far too difficult keep the protestors under control while they think they are getting another chance to elect a democrat. Elections are called off due to the overwhelming amount of protests in the streets, thanks to the Defense Authorization Act of 2006 (allows the fed govt to impose martial law if there is a perceived shortfall of “public order”)

Is this one of those times that there are only one set of footprints in the sand?

Ken said...

[citation needed]

DVD said...

Hey, Ken, not sure what cite you need. I can only imagine it's Dobson's letter and I linked that in the body ("...that's what he said!"). Sometimes hyperlinks don't show up very well in these Blogger posts so maybe you missed it. Here it is again:

Ken said...

The only link I could find was to a "" site and couldn't connect that site with FotF.

Just doing due-diligence to make sure there wasn't another Swift-Boat in action.


DVD said...

Skeptical. I can appreciate that (and try not to be offended that you thought I either attempted to dupe you or was duped). Thanks for checking, though.

Carrie Roark said...

For the purpose of clarity…the words cited here do not seem to be those of James Dobson. The letter has no authorship indicated. The letter is posted on the Citizenlink website ( ; an organization founded by Dobson. But the words are not his own.

Here is an article on the issue of the election that was written by him:

I e-mailed Citizen Link and asked who the author was. Apparently they've gotten lots of comments about the article and were not able to address my specific question, but they did send me the standard response they've been sending out to anyone inquiring about it.

It's too long to post here, but if you know of an efficient way to share it, let me know.

DVD said...

I am amending and re-issuing my comment. After cool reflection, I think my response could be misinterepeted as aimed at Carrie, and that was not at all my intent. I get angry about people and organizations such as Dobson and Focus on the Family when they cloak hate and fear in the Bible. In my belief and experiences, religion and religious personalites create far more barriers between Yahweh and us than all the targets of these religious bigots.

In response to Carrie's comment, James Dobson = Focus on the Family = Focus on the Family Action. To protect their tax exempt status and still try to influence elections, Focus on the Family had to create a new organization. They added the word "Action" to their name and funnel their direct political actions through that org. This legal fiction does not create any real distinction.

Feel free to share what the political arm of Focus on the Family sent you. Unless it's an apology, though, it won't change my mind. This letter they published is vile and reprehensible.