Friday, June 27, 2008

"In the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope."


LaurieJo said...

Your title is my absolute favorite line as well. It is such a powerful video. After watching the video, I watched the entire speech again. There is something more to him than the average "candidate." Words are powerful, and while I haven't signed onto the Obama train with all my heart as of yet, I sincerely want to hope that our nation can heal and that things can be different. It's just like anything in life. It's hard to trust once trust has been broken. He almost makes it easy.

DVD said...

Interesting to me, and makes the speech even better, he gave it the night he lost New Hampshire. Reaganesque.

I think no matter who we elect, we can prepare to be disappointed. Even knowing that, I usually end up voting my gut, my heart, my values. I have plenty of time (and blog space) to unpack these ideas later.